
Adobe illustrator affinity designer
Adobe illustrator affinity designer

adobe illustrator affinity designer adobe illustrator affinity designer

Select all those, copy them, make a new area text and paste. Text will be split in a gazillion text objects. So you might want to put stuff on different artboards and rebuild the layers from that. Illustrator doesn't convert "PDF layers" to its own layers as Affinity Designer does. You might need to fiddle around with options. If that does not work, export a PDF that keeps transparency (so no PDF/X 1 or 3). Depending on that you decide if you reset brushes, strokes, gradients to a very basic stroke and/or fill and then export or export as is and just make sure resolution is enough. Do you need full vector? Do you need full editability? And is there a feature in Illustrator that allows you to recreate the look of the original. Make sure you only use features that Illustrator fully supports or you might get rasters.

Adobe illustrator affinity designer